Create and List SCIM User Groups.


Creates a partner-level or client-level user group, and searches user groups.(Webhook Based endpoint, Schema may vary subjected to SSO tool. Eg. OKTA payload)

Gets the list of scim user groups mapping to Opsramp user groups


  • This API provides a paginated list with minimal details of scim user groups.

Path Parameters

  • tenantIdstringrequired

    Describes the clientId or mspId of the tenant


  • schemasarray of strings

  • metaobject

  • idstring

  • displayNamestring

  • externalIdstring

  • membersarray of strings

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Creates a scim partner-level or scim client-level user group.


  • This API allows a user group to be created with minimal details like: user group name and roles.
  • To add users to a user group, use the Add Users to User Group API.

Path Parameters

  • tenantIdstringrequired

    Describes the clientId or mspId of the tenant

Request Body


  • schemasarray of stringsrequired

  • metaobject

  • idstring

  • displayNamestringrequired

  • externalIdstring

  • membersarray of strings

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